Today I embarked on a new journey. This path was not one that I expected, but fits me at this time in life. I never thought I would work for a newspaper.
If nothing else for the fact that my mom almost tortured daily to write. I remember long nights of re, re, re, re, re and rewriting papers until they were good enough to turn in.
But thankfully for the readership of the paper, I didn’t get hired for my writing abilities.
I will soon be graduating and joining the Gannett family full time as the new photographer at The News-Star in Monroe, La. After finishing my first official day at work (flexible full time until I actually walk across the stage and shake hands with good ol’ Dan), I realize this was the right step for me.
Utterly confused about what I wanted to do, I had more of an unrealistic idea and a city that I wanted to conquer. While these dreams still exist in the fore-front of my mind, I will need to pay bills (iphone 4 soon hopefully), medical and dental and car insurance and exist while I hammer out a game plan.
An ocean side town, somewhere in the world, still has a perfect house and job for me, but in the meantime I cant see myself doing anything else but running around with a camera in my hand… and getting paid for it.
As I continue on this “grown-up” adventure, I will continue to pursue my long-term goals while having fun working to get there in the gap between.