The Mood:
I feel like I have been cheating lately. My past few blog post have been photos dug out of an archive. Although these images have never seen the light of day or been edited before now, I feel like Im perpetuating my non-creative mood of late.
I watch people go around town. Just running errands and not much else. Its not comforting to see people just going about their business without pursuit of things that they believe. Where is the drive, the passion?
I have shot little since I have been back in town. I try to grab my cam, when Im just out and about, hoping I will run across something unique. Honestly though, I am tired of the looks that I recieve. I am in no way ashamed of what I do, but why must you give me these looks of wonderment or judgment, thinking that im trying to show off.
I am ready to be lost in a city…