Someone else’s memories:
Still on my decorating kick, I found a really neat idea to use old slides as curtains.
I didnt want to ruin our family slides (obviously) so I started looking around town and on ebay. Results were out of my price range, so I advertised on craigslist (first time) and forgot about it. A few days later, I get an email from someone down in NOLA wanting to get rid of her father’s old slides.
We worked out an inexpensive deal and today I i received over 200 slides in the mail.
I actually missed the package, so I walked down to the post office (about 100 yards) and the lady at the window said the postman was still on his route and then pointed out the window at a side street next to my apartment, telling me that was his truck and to go chase him down if I wanted to.
So today I met my regular mailman, a really nice guy.
Anyways… I separated the slides between Kodachrome, ektachrome and others. I find it facinating to look at other people’s photos. These were taken in the 70’s and 80’s and were old photos of NOLA, Disney World and their family trips (including to the Leaning tower of Pisa.)
Hopefully soon I can make my curtain and maybe a lampshade!