Needless to say, it has been too long. I have returned from the New Mexico Road Trip and my Thanksgiving break, back to the land of internet (I couldn’t submit a blog post via my parents’ dark ages dial up connection).
A well-rounded photojournalistic portfolio would not be complete with out some images of politicians. I never had an interest for politics and can’t really say that I do today. For now I will blame that on my need to stay neutral to preserve the photojournalistic integrity of my work.
Yesterday I added the maverick-y Alaskan governor to the list of politicos that I have had the opportunity to photograph. The highlights of the list includes former President George W. Bush (thanks Anne), former President William Clinton, Gov. Bobby Jindal and now Gov. Sarah Palin.
Promised a five minute shoot by Harper Collins (Palin’s publisher) I was limited to a one minute and thirty second motor drive frenzy by a Hitler-like publicist of Books-A-Million….from about 10 feet away… with Palin fans in between myself and the Governor.
In all though, not a bad experience, considering that some TV news stations were not even allowed in by Fräulein Hitler, who enjoyed her power entirely too much. Well, you win some and you lose some, and some you just get by…