I hesitate to call it photo-a-day, plus brought on by the multitude of fb’ers that do it and snag “theirs” from the Intraweb, it shall be called, “Photo-A-wheneverIgetthechance.” I recently saw one of my followers Ken ( ) is doing this and continuing it through his internship this summer.
Of late, I have been complaining to myself that I am only shooting at work, and that is frankly not cool. Though I occasionally do have a cool shot from an assignment that I might want to share, I’m not sure the legal ins and outs of that. Im sure that if I post it after it goes to the presses, no one cares, but that is beside the point.
Everyday I walk out of the “office” portion of my building and into a more industrial section (its an indoor alley that serves as a drag strip of sorts for forklifts). I often find myself looking and wanting to do a shoot in there… and once or twice have almost been hit by said forklift.
The upper door, framed by the red is only open sometimes and I paused to take a shot. The forklift just turned the corner when I snapped the pic and I thought it was a lucky addition to the image.