I recently took a roll of film to my local walgreen’s one hour photo. I was informed when I dropped it off at around 2 that I should come back around 5… someone is obviously bad at math.
Five o’clock rolls around, I show up, still have to wait a few minutes, and finally I have the CD and negatives in my hands. ( I did not get prints, as I did not know what was on the roll.)
I pop the CD in the faithful mac and wait…
CD error, call walgreens, pick-up a new CD, try again…
The fruits my labor are rewarded with a shot of my brother-in-law, Nick, in New York City. I had a half used roll of film in my camera and decided to take it into the City this summer while visiting my sister.
I love the colors, the city feel and the visit.
I am falling in love with film again.
(side note: does anyone know where to get slide film developed?)