Numb Fingers and Visible Breath:
I often tweet that I need models asap. It usually happens when I like how the weather looks and go for a quick drive to scout for locations. I like spur of the moment shoots, certain types of light play to the creative parts of my brain and I will just have to slam on the brakes and snaps a few frames.
Living in a college town inundated with photographers, locations are precious. I take pride in not using the “normal” ones or the “go to” ones that take away from the mystery of the shoot. I like people to wonder where my photoshoots take place.
During this cold snap and the “snow day” that canceled classes, I took a drive to try and find a monochromatic landscape. Although I told myself I would not shoot the ice (just because everyone else was doing it) I could not pass up the chance to capture the normal browns turned slightly white.
A few wrong turns into my endeavor to get lost on the back roads of Ruston landed me on HWY 818. I found a nice spot and contacted a photog/model. By the time all was worked out, I had lost the light. Jessica, ever the trooper, still was game and so we carried on, changing the concept from a monochromatic image to, well quite frankly, anything we could get. Thanks to Jessica for modeling/freezing, be sure to check out Jessica’s Blog, The Awakening, as she is a photographer and writer as well.