More Improvements:
I have never really minded bare walls… until now. I have gone a tad crazy, but I think it adds a little of me to my new place.
Got some great design ideas off and have attempted some of my own versions of their ideas including the memo wall. I am actively looking for the right lamp to cover in some of my old negatives and I recently bought an awesome frame and a not so awesome flower painting from a thrift store for six bucks. I have removed the image and am thinking of painting it black and hanging it empty, or doing some spin off of the “cutout mirror.” (all these ideas come from
On a day off I stumbled into Michael’s ( I usually would never go there) and found a great sale. While the large canvases I was looking for were too expensive, but I found pairs of 16x20’s for just under six dollars and paint for 50% off. Before I jumped in feet first on painting (which I have never really done) I had a friend come over to give me a few tips… The two images on the left middle are the results, hers being the far left (duh because it looks awesome) and mine is more in the middle looking a tad forced. Eh… I have 4 more canvases so Im going to keep trying…