the playground of life...

I have a list.

I have a shoebox full of mixtapes.

On that list are bands that I would listen to when I was in grade school and junior high. These bands fill the fore mentioned mix-tapes.

I remember summers, in between super-soaker wars, playing tennis and looking for trouble, my sister and I with our neighborhood friends would lay inside by the stereo, just listening to the radio. 

The mix-tapes are soundtracks of previous summers and inspired the love for music that I still have today. The list containing those bands, is kept to keep track of which bands I have been able to photograph live.

Last night in downtown Shreveport, LA, three Canadians played their hearts out. Underrated to the end, Marcy Playground played the notes that brought me back to my childhood.

Their mainstream hit that rolls off most people tongues, “Sex and Candy” was not the highlight of the night for me. I rather enjoyed their lesser known songs, “Sherry Fraser,” “Cloak” and “Opium.” 

Still, frontman John Wozniak, sent chills through me when he encored with a cover of Jeff Buckley’s “Hallelujah.” 

Another band crossed off my list, another musical memory and another great performance by Marcy Playground.