The sound of jackhammers is not fun to listen to when you are trying to go to sleep. Even less fun, though, is waking up to the sound of them.
I had seen the maintenance workers fiddling around with something across the street from my abode when I left for classes that morning - and they were still there when I returned in the evening.
Curiosity got the best of me and I ventured over to see what they were working on. Turns out a water pipe had broken and they were trying to locate the problem.
The white hooded suits they were wearing and the industrial work lights cast an alien-like shadow on the workers, so I pulled out my cam and snapped away.
Later that night, I awoke to get some water, and when I cranked the knob to the faucet to refill my brita filter, no water came out. This part is not really important, just though I would share.