For the most part, I started my photography with no formal training. Just me, a couple rolls of old fujifilm and my moms old pentax.
I still believe that the best photographers are self-taught, but also realize the importance of knowing the technical “why” and “how” reasons that an image turned out a certain way.
Lately in my photo classes, we have been doing excercises that I have accomplished in the past, but now, I am gaining knowledge so I am able to explain to others how to get such effects.
Teaching always is a great reinforcement of knowledge, and as a photo editor, I try and push my staff to shoot the best they can.
This year especially, it seems as though I can look at an image and tell a budding photographer what can be made better, but lack the explanation of how. This is extremely frustrating for me, because I want to be able to be a resource to others.
I need to keep a good attitude in these next photo classes, so that I realize that although I may be able to achieve the desired shot or objective, if I listen, I will be able to explain the “how” and “why.”