Christmas Portraits:
I like to document every day life. The human scenery gets exponentially more interesting when people come visit for the holidays.
Last year, I took portraits of all the members of the family that were around and came out with some good images, as well as capturing how everyone looked that year. I shot with one speedlight in my closet with a dark, wrinkled cloth as a backdrop. I also shot at 50mm f/1.8 in hopes to minimize post-production work on the background.
This year, I was ready. I set up a little studio in the living room and mercilessly bothered people until they sat for me. You would think that a photographer’s family would be used to being the subject of photoshoots and random shots, but my family still resists A LOT.
In the end, they all sat for me, but almost all of them had me promise that the images would not be posted on the internet. (Im shaking my head right along with you… I dont understand it. )
So I have some classy images of all of them that are going to sit on my hard drive until they change their mind… or forget… Here is one of my subjects that didnt mind being posted on the web.