First attempts on the Holga…. I need to wind farther obvs…
I invited myself into yet another shoot yesterday… Courtney and Westlee were gracious enough to let me snap a few shots.
my new toy to concentrate on framing better
Constantine Vlasis
a shot from the other day in the studio
Nashville band Humming House preforms at Tennessee Tech’s Backdoor Playhouse…
It snowed the other day…
Artist Series:
Tyler Reagan
At the Lonestar Rodeo, Cookeville, TN.
Artist Portrait Series:
Alf Sharp, Furniture Maker
New Project:
I had been trying to narrow down a personal project to tackle since I moved to Cookeville. I spend some of my time documenting artwork for local artists and it seemed logical that I would document them as well. Exploring in the studio one day, I ran across a Nikkor 135mm enlarging lens attached to bellows much like a view camera. I realize I am not the first person to use a set-up like this but I was intrigued and had to try it. Marie Isles was my first artist of the new year and this is the result. We shall see where this goes from here…
TTU vs. Belmont, 1/5/13
December Commencement Speaker:
Beecher Hunter
Rough Game:
Field Trip:
Students came to TTU to listen to the Bryan Symphony Orchestra.
TTU vs. Lee:
It looks as if she is just about to give up when the whistle is blown for a jump ball.
I was exploring the vast metropolis to the south.. SPARTA! I stumbled upon a diner that had been open since the ’50s. Pictured is the current owner Mrs. Holman, the daughter of the original owner.
A shot from the TTU Homecoming Parade!
Commandeered some photoshoots near my house the other day..
I usually don’t post iPhone photos… but I took this yesterday and I am currently cold and hungry and want to eat this again…