Hiked up here to see all trees covered in snow. So glad I did, it was magical.
Biking around Nashville, Feb. 14
I own two very old Peugeot bicycles... one from my maternal grandfather and one from my father. Both are well loved and well used. One is a pretty original speed touring rig and the other has been changed to a single speed freewheel due to rusted gears. Finally got the single speed up and running in time for Alyson's visit, and we decided to do a bike tour of Nashville no matter how cold.
#InstaMeetMurfreesboro, Feb. 7
Brought the Fuji x100s to the #InstaMeetMurfreesboro yesterday. Dug the harsh light/shadows and textures and when James jumped, it brought a nice action to the shot.
Taken Dec. 27, 2014 - Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana » Posted Feb. 5, 2015
I've been doing my best to blog more this year. Even though I shoot every day, I try not to force what I shot that day if its not "blog worthy" or if it can't be released yet.
Here is a shot that I chased for a bit. I wanted to see the symmetry of the two sides of I-10 joining over the Atchafalaya Basin. Unfortunately that shot is only possible with a drone or a very tall boat. I thought the opposite was equally interesting.
NPS and Adrienne, Feb 2
Had a chance to go to an NPS (Nikon Professional Services) Event in Nashville on Monday. In addition to getting clean sensors again and fixing a 14mm that I was sure was done for, I was able to chat and get some tips from JC about using speedlight for portraits. Adrienne was gracious enough to model for us and here are a few of the shots.
Even though this is a portrait, I usually try not to pose. Most people might not like it, but I love the real nervousness in her hands capture in my first shot of her. It was only a light test, but I thought I would post it anyways.
Polly's Branch, Jan 31
A few of the guys from the office took an excursion this weekend. It was great to get outside. We decided to hike Polly's Branch, recommended to me by @thegoodnewsmuse on Insta. Turned out to be a fantastic hike, just like she said. Here are a few portraits of the guys.
Kory and a random dog
Shredding at Sunrise
Linked up with some Nashville skaters and photographers on Saturday. I bailed and face planted almost immediately once the real seasoning started, but it was totally worth it. Below are a mix of iPhone, Fuji x100s and FP-100 Instant film shots.

Amy Roloff, September 30, 2014
Hector Black:
An organic farmer, a Harvard graduate, a Quaker, an inspiration and a man that knows a thing or two about forgiveness and love. Spending time with Hector while taking his portrait was a moment that will live in my mind. Words were spoken, but what was unspoken was the most meaningful.
To hear his story, listen here.
#takemoreportraits #storyportrait #onassignment
Housing Design from above.
Fresh local organic veggies and table wear by Bryce (two posts back)!
Hit the trails near South Cumberland the other day. The leaves made great little color spots on the ground.
I had the chance a while back to snap a few shots of ACC clay artist in residence Bryce Brisco.
I rarely post pictures of myself, but I dig this old school polaroid Alyson snapped on the 4th.
Snapped this the other day as the Gov. was leaving after addressing the boys at Boys State.
Wow. It has sure been a long time since I last posted… Snagged an impromptu shoot with this lady who was shooting some images for an upcoming album cover.
Been shooting a lot of film lately. Here are a few shots from the past week or so.
So if you follow me on any other social media accounts, chances are that you have seen this kid. HIs name is Cody and he is a pretty rad photographer I have know since college. I was able to convince him to stop by in Tennessee and help us with some projects at Tennessee Tech.
This is his mandatory first day of school portrait taken with my fave 35mm non-portrait lens that I love to use for portraits.
Look for more from him here as he blogs WAY more than me.
Granville, TN:
Live Radio Show on Saturday nights at the Sutton General Store. This week’s guest was Valley Grass.
Finally having a chance to look at some of the snaps from the Fuji X100s I took to Italy two months ago… Rather liked that little camera.